
Uno sguardo insolito, realistico e poetico sulla scuola. Punti di vista, ricordi, interventi, di personaggi della cultura, dello spettacolo, della politica raccolti da una giornalista e scrittrice. Da Dacia Maraini a Roberto Vecchioni, da Paolo Crepet a Chiara Gamberale, da Margherita Hack a Cristina Comencini, da Domenico Starnone a Marco Lodoli: tutti svelano i loro sogni e, talvolta, i loro veleni.

martedì 11 marzo 2008

The school in the world

School.. definitely my second home. The place were I learn most of the things I know now, where I met most of my real friends for life. School is the place where we laughed, learned, cried, fought, played. Is a great adventure and a amazing experience. (Andrea Ponce, Ecuador)

To me, school was the main channel to connect to society. It is the way you begin your public "trial and error" phase of socialising, behaving and interacting with people. People you have no connection with besides being classmates. That by itself was worth it. And as I see it, it is only a side-dish of the purpose of school: the process of acquiring basic attitudes, skills and knowledge. (Mariano Batalla, Costa Rica)

I believe school is not only the place where we are meant to learn and grow, to mature and experience difference things, to share and tolerate; but it is also the only place where mistakes and errors are allowed. (Gonzalo Larrosa, Argentina)

School to me was my chance to prepare for an exciting and fulfilling life. School provided me a chance to explore who I was and what I wanted to do in a safe environment free from criticism. (Frank Nefos, EEUU)

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